On July 3rd at 7:33pm Lena Guynn Phillips was born! She was 6lbs. 13 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She has RED hair and is the cutest thing we have ever seen. Lena was delivered by a c-section because after 2 days of the doctors trying to induce me and failing, we decided to do a c-section and get Lena out. We were in the hospital for 5 days and we are so happy to be home! Sorry it took us so long to make the big announcement, having a newborn takes up some serious time! Ricky and I are enjoying every part of being parents, even the middle of the night feedings haven't gotten old yet. We couldn't be happier!
Here are some pictures of our beautiful baby girl and stay tuned, there are tons more to come!
YEA LENA!!! Congrats Ricky and Jan :) I am excited and she is a cutie. I will send Andy a picture of her.
Talk to you soon,
Jessie Besser
the "our blog site" said is really a link to our blog and not our identity... It should have said "Jessie and Andy" said... like this one ;) Congrats Again!!
YAY!! YAY!!! I have been checking in every day to see if all of your dreams have come true! WELCOME HOME, LENA! Jan, you look wonderful and we are so happy for you and Rich. Our prayers are with you as you enjoy the next days as the new Phillips family. Have FUN!!!!
Congratulations! She is beautiful and I am so glad to hear Ricky was there. Enjoy your time.
-The Adams
so glad to hear that she made it...even though she was not wanting to come out.
Oh my gosh, she is so adorable! Congratulations Jan and Ricky!
She is so beautiful! Congratulations!!
What a great name!!! I hear that all Lena's are especially beautiful & smart. Congratulations! -Diane & Lena Jane
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