Saturday, December 13, 2008

I know...

I haven't blogged lately. After my semester was finished on Tuesday (Wahoo! I feel smarter already!) Lena poo got her first cold :( Poor little thing. Although, she does have good timing-at least it wasn't during my hectic last week of school. Lena is feeling better, but she does have a pesky runny nose, but she won't let that deter her from playing.

I don't have much to update, unfortunately. We're just hanging out over here. There are some fun and exciting things coming up in the near future, so I'll be sure to take pictures of the events. yay!

In the meantime, here are some fun pictures...

This was Lena helping me out in the kitchen while we were making some blondie deserts for Thanksgiving. She was a HUGE help.

This is me, Lena, and Auntie Amy (my sister) in the "snow" (i.e., fake snow) in the Christmas display in the mall when Lena was getting her Santa picture taken. They have a whole little scene set up, it's really cute.

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