Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Half way there...

Today marks the half way point for the deployment. 7 1/2 months down, 7 1/2 more months to go. I feel like it's already been a year, but according to the calendar, no it hasn't! Anyway, at least there is light at the end of the tunnel, we're on the back end of it now, yay!

On a completely unrelated's a picture of Lena in a funny onesie!

Lena earned the cranky onesie the day this was taken, but rightfully so. She had just gotten her 4 month shots and her poor little legs were all swollen and sore and she was not a happy camper. Poor little thing!

Lena visits Santa!

Lena-poo saw Santa this week and she was so CUTE! She didn't cry, but she didn't smile either. But, on Lena's behalf, I assured Santa she had been good this year and deserved to be on the "nice" list! No coal for Lena!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lena is a little ballerina

My mom bought this little tutu onesie for Lena before she was born and I have been counting down the days until it would fit her. Although it's still a little big, Lena will be sporting it as often as the weather allows. And in case you can't read it, the onesie says "Tutu Cute" in little pink rhinestones. ha! SO CUTE!!

You can also see in this picture that Lena is able to sit up with help! :) yay for Lena!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

That's Major Phillips to you!

I am so proud to announce that Ricky got promoted!! YAY!!!! Ricky got promoted to Major on November 1, but I was waiting until he sent me pictures to update the blog. I wanted some pictures to back me up! Here are some pictures of the promotion ceremony. Ricky said that "sadly there was no after party!" I am so proud of him and I just wish I could have been there.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nothing to report

So, there hasn't been anything too exciting around here to post, so I thought I would just post some pictures Ricky sent me for my blog audience's enjoyment!

This is Ricky and his pal Tim "Ferg" Ferguson. This was taken when they were squished on a plane flying from Kuwait to Iraq.

This is a 100 man tent that Ricky got to sleep in for a while, lucky him! I can only imagine how bad that tent smelled.

These are Iraqi ducks! I didn't know there were ducks there...

Ricky titled this picture "Me and the bad guys," assume what you want.

This is Ricky and his pals and his boss in Iraq.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The wonders of technology!

So, after my friend Paige started doing some video stuff, I thought to myself, "Perhaps I should jump on this bandwagon." So, I finally got my technologically handicapped self in order and figured out how to do mini videos on my camera. I am sending little video snippets of Lena to Ricky quite often now, and he loves it.

I thought I would share my favorite one so far, it's of Lena rolling over. She started rolling over at the beginning of October, but then she did a protest on rolling over. Recently, she has begun doing it again and now does it ALL THE TIME! It's super fun and she is super cute. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lena is 4 months old!

As of yesterday, Lena is officially 4 months old! And to celebrate she got some rice cereal! You can see from the pictures below how much she liked it. HA! Now every morning with breakfast she gets 1 tablespoon of rice cereal. Sometimes she likes it, sometimes she hates it. We are getting the hang of it :)